230620 - Fishing premiere

On 24th of June it´s time for fishing premiere in Joensuujärvi. Come by and have a cup of coffe and a grilled sausage by the fire and try to catch a rainbow trout or an arctic char in the lake.

Fishing license at elveguiden app/website or at place by the lake (cash or Swish).

200 SEK per fishing license 24H. 3 fish per license.

Warm Welcome!

230301 - Fishing premiere

On 18th of March, it´s time for fishing premier in our two lakes Takajärvi and Joensuujärvi. Come and have a cup of coffe and a grilled sausage by the fire at Takajärvi and try to catch a rainbow trout or an arcic char in both of our lakes. Fishing license at or at place by the lake Takajärvi (cash or Swish). 200 SEK per fishing license 24h. 3 fish per license. Car parking near the school.

Warm Welcome!

230301 - Annual meeting Kangos Association waters

Kangos Association Waters invites all fishing right holders to the annual meeting, taking place on the 19:th of march 2023, 13.00 in Allhuset Kangos. A digital link to the meeting will also be sent to participants who can´t attend physically. Please let us know in advance if you want to attend digitally.

221217 - New system for buying fishing licenses

From 1/1-2023 Kangos Association Waters will start using a new system for fishing license sales. The system is an Norwegian system named Elveguiden and is today used in many of the biggest Norwegian salmon rivers. The system is both web- and app based and will make it very easy for you to buy your fishing license and to report your catch.

To get started you need to download the app Elveguiden to your phone from either Apple App Store or Google Play Store and register a new user. Then search for Kangos FVO and choose the correct fishing license you want to buy. Today you pay your fishing license by using your credit card in the app but in the future the Swedish payment method "Swish" also vill work.

All in all a very easy and user friendly system!

The Kangos Association Waters board believe in this system and we know it will help us a lot with the administration but also with proper and correct catch report.

Don´t hesitate to give us a call or an email if you have any questions.

Links to both app stores below:

Google Play Store

Apple App Store

220210 - Fishing premiere

On 12th of March, it´s time for fishing premier in our two lakes Takajärvi and Joensuujärvi. Come and have a cup of coffe and a grilled sausage by the fire at Takajärvi and try to catch a rainbow trout or an arcic char in both of our lakes. Fishing license at or at place by the lake Takajärvi (cash or Swish). 150 SEK per fishing license 24h. 3 fish per license. Car parking near the school.

Warm Welcome!

220210 - Annual meeting Kangos Association waters

Kangos Association Waters invites all fishing right holders to the annual meeting, taking place on the 2:nd of april 2022, 15.00 in Allhuset Kangos

211024 - Fishing ban in Takajärvi and Jouensuujärvi

During the autumn the Fishing Association have put in fresh fish in both Takajärvi and Joensuujärvi. All fishing is prohibited in these two lakes until the fishing premiere is taking place in early spring. More info will follow when the premiere date is decided.

200704 - New fireplaces, benches and rod holders

Along the river you will notice that the association have placed a couple of new fireplaces, benches and rod holders. Remember to use all these things with care. And remember to bring your garbage home after you have visited our waters.

Tight Lines!

200701 - It´s on!

Roger Mikkos salmon season has started for sure. Two salmon caught in the last days and the biggest weighing 12,2 kg (see picture below). Congratulations Roger!

If you want to see the catch report for the season, scroll down to "View catch report" under "Fishing" in the main menu on the left side.

200627 - Fishing premiere in our lakes

On the 27th of June we had fishing premiere in our two lakes Pahturijärvi and Joensuujärvi. The fishing was a bit slow but the coffe and the sausages were good :)

200626 - First salmon reported!

The salmon season has had a slow start, but finally we start to see some fish in the river. The salmon counter is showing good numbers so in a couple of days we should start to have some good fishing up here.

Board chairman Roger Rova has once again caught and reported the first salmon for the season in Kangos Association Waters. A nice female salmon wheighing in at 5,0 kg. Congratulations and well done!


Kangos Association Waters invites all fishing owners to the annual meeting, taking place the 22 of august 2020, 15.00 in Allhuset Kangos



At 14th of March and at 27th of june, Kangos Association Waters organizes fishing premier in our two lakes Joensuujärvi and Pahturijärvi. Come and have a cup of coffe and a grilled sausage by the fire and try to catch a trout or an arcic char in our lakes. Fishing license at

Warm Welcome!


If you during the season find or chatch fish that seems ill or damaged, please report it at following link:


Kangos FVO kallar till årsstämma för fiskerättsägare den 2 april kl 18.00 i Allhuset, Kangos - OBS! Inställt pga av rådande Corona-situation!


Board chairman Roger Rova caught the first Salmon of the season in Kangos FVO water. A proper piece wheighing in at 10.4 kg. Congratulations!